Friday, 15 January 2016


1. The BBFC is an independent organisation which classifies cinema films. It is responsible for the national classification and censorships of films within the U.K.
2. Film are rated by people by themselves - solo viewing. They reach a conclusion through a consensus. The people that rate the content are called examiners and they have started to rate games based on the content that is included in the game. For films they watch them in BBFC cinema in order to accurately judge the movie and to get a better ouput of sound and special effects.
3. The work should be allowed to reach the widest audience that is appropriate for their theme and treatment. the issues faced are: whether the material is in conflict with the law or has been created through the commission of a criminal offence.

  • Violence
  • Sex Sexual violence 
  • Drugs
  • Horror
  • Imitable Behaviour
  • Discrimination
  • Language 
4. Its main issues are that there was a lot of violence and there shouldn't be a lot of detail on the violence. There should not be emphasis on injuries and blood. I think it should of had a higher rating due to the violence, blood and injuries included in the film.

5. The guidelines for a 15 certificate are there is strong language allowed and sexual references in context to the narrative. This shouldn't be repetitive otherwise it would make the film to explicit to the offensive language and violence.

6.Attack the block was given a 15 certificate due to the violence, foul language and blood. I think this is right due to these explicit scenes not being repetitive.    

Thursday, 14 January 2016

Film pitch

Title - Project: Kr
'Science Bitch'
Urban life

The 30 minute film will be about a student who has two personalities. He seems to be secure at first and this should play a twist with the audience's mind as they would see a different side to the character near the end of the 3 minute clip. Near the middle of the film the audience we see a variety of fights and educational work from the main character.

Other characters who would appear are fighters and the crowd from the fights.

Target audience - 16-35 year olds and 70% males and 30% females. We are trying to get people who don't go to arthouse cinemas to attend it for our film so struggles and people in the demographics of C2 and some lower to watch our film.  

A 6th former student at Greenford high school has passion in chemistry and creating chemicals. However, this student has another personality, an alter ego which opposes his first one. The student is a fighter and a really good one. This means that his competition in these street fight competitions are deadly and perhaps would want to seek revenge. His past could deliver a dangerous future. Our thinking was to start in school to establish the fact that he is a student of the school. We would have a teacher in this scene suggesting he constantly stays after school to do unnecessary work. the beginning will portray him as being an insecure and nervous person with him wearing a jacket with it's hood up. It wouldn't reveal much of his face which make him a mystery man in the story. Maybe a voice over describing his past and why he enjoys what he does. Then, with the BFFC certificate in mind, we would consider how we will record a fighting scene to not be too explicit. The fight scene would come near the end of the three minutes.

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Focus group feedback

The research our group did allowed us to receive reliable and objective views on our low budget film. This would include the film idea, tagline, plot etc. The feedback was partially positive which would enhance our confidence on the film idea. However, we did get negative reviews and this is a good thing as we would be able to use this as our secondary specification. As a group we decided straight away that we would definitely need to edit a few ideas to cover the brief and keep the clip interesting.

A few quotes from the audience:

  • Wouldn't watch, but interesting
  • Narrative needs to be thorough, more work needed on the 30 minute film compared to the 3 minute clip. Isn't clear.
  • Good idea as a short film
  • Need to cover the 15+ certificate 
  • Definitely male is right gender focus for this film
  • Fight scene needs other characters that won't seem funny (audience don't know)
  • Tagline could be changed if narrative is not changed
  • Violence needs to be reduced as much as possible. Build atmosphere but don't involve fighting scene
What we will consider
From the film pitch reviews we have got an understanding of what our film sounds like from a different perspective. The feedback could be a factor of the film becoming better and professional. We have concluded that we were right about the film being male oriented as most of the females said they wouldn't watch it but like the concept of a person having two personalities. We have thought about whether the narrative we are trying construct will fit the 15+ certificate because of the fight scene containing violence. We are wondering if the fight scene shouldn't be included in the 3 minute clip or if it should be taken out of the film completely. Also, we are considering getting a few people (older) to act in our film so the audience don't know the actors which could potentially turn a serious well worked scene into a sort of parody of our original scripted idea. The tagline will be determined on how much we change the narrative.

Target audience
This hasn't really changed much from what we were originally thinking. the age range is 16-35 years of age because other films with a similar concept target this age range. Therefore, we believe the people within this age range will enjoy the film produced. In addition, we have said 70% of males would watch this film and 30% of females could possibly be interested in watching the film. The feedback has supported our estimate. Also, we think working class and lower class will like this film as the film will be stetted in an urban area. Furthermore, as this is going to be screened in an arthouse cinema we have decided to make this an alternative film to the ones screened in arthouse cinemas to try to attract more people and make these cinemas more diverse. The film would need local promotions as it has a small institution behind it so blogs and social media would be some ways of advertising the film attracting a wide range of people who don't go to arthouse cinemas.