Evaluation mark: 6/10
Grade: C
WWW: A solid evaluation that uses some media terminology
effectively and picks out some key strengths and weaknesses in the production.
You’ve clearly reflected on the process too – this will help with the real
MEST2 coursework.
EBI: For the top grades, you lack the detailed analysis
of key shots, edits, sounds etc. and the possible interpretations for the
audience. You do consider the audience which is good to see but I’d like more detailed
and specific discussion of certain shots, transitions etc. Also think about the
balance of your evaluation – you’ve got more on the brief and planning process
than the actual evaluation of strengths and weaknesses. This should be the
other way around!
LR: Put the embedded film from YouTube into the blogpost
with the evaluation. Copy and paste this feedback into a new blogpost and write
three specific aspects you will look to improve for the real MEST2 evaluation
in March.
Three aspects I will look to improve for the real MEST2 evaluation:
- I will need to do analysis in the evaluation
- I will need to add more detail to my writing and description of scenes
- I need to have more evaluation than description of production
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